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Apollo Improved

Availability: Late winter / early summer


Plant height: Approx. 1 metre.


Plant: F1 Hybrid. Early variety that needs staking.


Fruit: Globular, slightly firmer fruit 5-6cm in diameter. Low acid taste as in the original Appolo variety but has improved disease resistance to bacterial Wilt and Root Knot Nematode. Will produce fruit in temperatures as low as 10 degrees.



Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.5 metres.


Plant: Open pollinated mid-season variety.


Fruit: Solid deep oblate fruit 10-12cm in size on very sturdy bushes. Late maturing. Excellent slicer, perfect for salads and sandwiches.

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Black Cherry

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.8 metres.


Plant: Very productive plants. Indeterminate.


Fruit: One of the only round, black cherries available with a characteristic dark purplish colour. Sweet, rich, full flavour common to all of the Russian black tomatoes. Fruit are brown at maturity and red brown internally when cut.

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Black Russian

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.5 metres.


Plant: Open pollinated variety.


Fruit: Almost black exterior to its deep oblate 4-6cm diameter fruits. The inner flesh is a deep chocolate colour.



Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 2 metres.


Plant:  F1 cross of Costoluto Genovese and Brandy Wine tomatoes.


Fruit: Big, pink coloured tomato bursting with flavour as well as higher yields, less fruit blemishes and superb disease resistance.

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Burnley Bounty

Availability: Late summer - winter.


Plant height: Approx. 2 metres.


Plant: Open pollinated variety. Late season type.


Fruit: Produces a good crop of 8-10cm deep oblate fruits that set vary late in cooler states. Average taste, low disease resistance.

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Cherry Fountain

Availability: Annual.


Plant height: Approx. 35 centimetres.


Plant:  Top performing, trailing variety that fruits from early-mid season.


Fruit: Produces high yields of 3-4cm fruit with a well-balanced flavour, firm flesh and pleasant texture.



Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 2 metres.


Plant:  F1 Hybrid. Vigorous climbing vine.


Fruit: Produces a thick tasty skinned golf ball size fruit, approximately 20-50 fruit per truss, which are best picked when fully ripen.

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Father Tom

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.8 metres.


Plant:  Very prolific gourmet tomato. Suited to warm season growing. Strong growing tomato with good disease tolerance


Fruit: Firm, globe-shaped fruit.

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First Prize (Patio Prize)

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 0.5 metres.


Plant: F1 Hybrid. Improved version or early type. Dwarf plant with a sturdy compact habit. Prone to fungal disease in well-watered gardens. Ideal for pots.


Fruit: Produces globular 2-4cm fruits mid to late season.

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Grosse Lisse

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 3.5 metres.


Plant: Open pollinated variety. Little disease resistance.


Fruit: Produces tasty smooth oblate fruit 6-10 cm in size.



Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.8 metres.


Plant: F1 hybrid.


Fruit: Beautiful red tomatoes on a vigorous vine, these tomatoes have a great flavour and the meatiness of a saladette tomato. The fruit is highly resistant to cracking and set in long clusters of up to 10-12 fruits. Will set early, 60 days after planting and continues to deliver throughout the season.

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Mighty Red Improved

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 3.5 metres.


Plant: Improved Mighty Red tomato with higher disease resistance.

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Mighty Red

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 3.5 metres.


Plant:  F1 Hybrid. Will easily grow to 3.5 meters in height but is best pruned hard when it is young to induce a more manageable habit. Well suited to a wide range of soil types. Good resistance to many diseases like Root-Knot Nematode, Verticillium Wit and Fusarium Wit.


Fruit: The tasty globular 8-10cm fruits literally push each other off the massive trusses.

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Mr Ugly

Availability: Early spring.


Plant height: Approx. 2.5 metres.


Plant:  A very strong, top-performing variety.


Fruit: Big, bold tomato taste.

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Ox Heart

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 2 metres.


Plant:  An indeterminate variety. Higher yield mid to late season.


Fruit: Produces pale pink oblate or heart shaped fruit 10-15cm in size with very little seeds and low acid. A single fruit can exceed 500gms.

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Red Truss

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.8 metres.


Plant: F1 hybrid. Good quality truss variety with 5 to 6 140g fruit per truss reaching up to 1.8 meters plus.


Fruit: Large fruit 6-10cm. Good flavour and resistance to disease.



Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1 metre.


Plant:  Open pollinated variety.


Fruit: Producing mid-season egg shaped fruits of 4cm by 6cm long. Excellent disease resistance. Most common uses are for bottling, cooking as well as drying.


Rouge De Marmande

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 2.5 metres.


Plant:  Open pollinated variety. Old favourite bush type for the early to mid-season crop with. Non hybrid nostalgic variety.


Fruit: Excellent flavour. Produces irregular shaped oblate fruits that are generally 6-8cm in size.

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Sweet Bite

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 2.5 metres.


Plant: F1 hybrid. A vigorous mid to late season variety. 


Fruit: Produces tasty red cherry type fruits 2.5cm in size on long trusses up to two meters in height. Fruits can split with over watering so they are best picked regularly. Sweet Bite has an excellent taste and disease resistant. Great for salads, sandwiches and as a garnish.



Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.8 metres.


Plant: The tall-growing plants have improved disease resistance.


Fruit: Produces small, sweet strawberry-shaped fruit on long trusses. The fruit is firm, sweet and nutritious.

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Tommy Toe

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 2.7 metres.


Plant: Open pollinated indeterminate variety. They have a very heavy fruit set of at least 10kg per bush.


Fruit: Produces hundreds of apricot size fruits over extended period, excellent sweet flavour.

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Truss Plum

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.8 metres.


Plant: Resists many common tomato diseases.


Fruit: Produces many uniform, plum-shaped fruit of outstanding quality. The fruit is sweet and available for a long period.

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Sunny Boy

Availability: Spring - summer.


Plant height: Approx. 1.5 metres.


Plant: F1 hybrid. Determinate plants sets well in many conditions.


Fruit: Acid free. Very sweet flavour, medium size yellow fruits are globe shaped and firm.

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SA's Best Cherry Tomato

Availability: Spring - Summer


This tomato plant produces an abundance of sweet, juicy, cherry sized fruit.

Plant in full sun in moist, well drained soil.

Ideal for pot planting.

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SA's Best Tomato - Apollo

Availability: Spring - Summer.


This tomato plant produces an abundance of firm, round, flavoursome fruit.

Plant in full sun in well drained soil with a stake or tomato cage for best results.

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