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Ground Covers

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Bacopa - Elite Pink

Features dainty, candy pink blooms.

Ideal for ground covering, borders and hanging baskets.

Flowering: April to October

Position: Shade/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 10cm tall x 50cm wide

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Bacopa - Elite Violet

Features clusters of small, blue/purple blooms.

Ideal for ground covering, borders and pots.

Flowering: April to October

Position: Shade/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 20cm tall x 80cm wide

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Bacopa - Elite White

Features dainty, pure white blooms.

Ideal for ground covering, borders and hanging baskets.

Flowering: April to November

Position: Shade/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 20cm tall x 80cm wide


Banksia - Coastal Cushion

Features lush, bright green leaves and mass yellow and maroon flowers.

Ideal for ground covering, rockeries, border planting and container planting.

Flowering: February - July

Position: Shade/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 0.5m tall x 1.5m wide

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Convolvulus - Blue Moon

Features deep blue, funnel-like flowers.

Ideal for ground covering, low maintenance areas, embankments, rockeries, retaining walls and pool side planting.

Position: Full sun

Plant size: Approx. 20cm tall x 80cm wide


Disphyma Crassifolium - Little Piggy

Features green to reddish-copper, small leaves with pink, daisy-like flowers.

Ideal for ground covering, container planting, rockeries and hanging baskets.

Flowering: August - February

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 1-2m wide


Disphyma Crassifolium - Sunburn

Features succulent flowers in shades of yellow and gold.

Ideal for ground covering, container planting and retaining walls.

Flowering: All year

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 1m wide


Goodenia Ovata - Gold Cover

Features delicate, green leaves with masses of small yellow flowers.

Ideal for banks, retaining walls, ground covering and container planting.

Position: Full/part sun

Plant size: Approx. 10cm tall x 2m wide


Grevillea Obtusifolia - Gin gin

Features dense, green leaves with small red flowers.

Ideal for ground coverage, rockeries, embankments and hedges.

Flowering: Winter and Spring

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 20cm tall x 3m wide


Hibbertia - Guinea Flower

Features small, dark green leaves with single, yellow flowers.

Ideal for ground coverage, rockeries or container planting.

Flowering: Spring and Summer

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 20cm tall


Kennedia Prostata - Running Postman

Features small, green leaves in clusters of 3 with masses of pea-like, red flowers.

Ideal for ground coverage, rockeries or low maintenance gardens.

Flowering: Winter and Spring

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 10cm tall x 3m wide

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Lotus - Golden Flash

Ideal for garden coverage or in pots.

Flowering: Late Spring

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 15-20cm tall x 30-50cm wide

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Lotus Macultus - Red Flash

Features pea-like scarlet red flowers.

Ideal for garden borders, pots or as a ground cover.

Flowering: Spring

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 20cm tall x 1.2m wide


Myoporum Parvifolium - Creeping Boobialla

Features grass-green leaves with small pink flowers.

Flowering: Spring - Autumn

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 30cm tall


Myoporum Parvifolium - Purpurea

Features purple tinged leaves with small, starry, white flowers.

Ideal for rockeries, dry sunny banks and low maintenance gardens.


Flowering: Summer

Position: Full sun/part shade


Myoporum Parvifolium

Features long, narrow leaves with pale, starry flowers.

Ideal for ground cover in  areas.

Flowering: Late Spring - Autumn

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 15cm tall x 1.5-4m wide

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Scavolea - Elite Blue Wind

Ideal for garden borders, hedging and low maintenance gardens.


Flowering: Approx. October - May

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 30cm tall x 60-80cm wide

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Scavolea - Elite White Drift

Ideal for garden borders, hedging and low maintenance gardens.

Flowering: Approx. October - May

Position: Full sun/part shade

Plant size: Approx. 30cm tall x 60-80cm wide

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