
Alexandra (King) Palm
Alexandra Palms are fast-growing with long green leaves containing silver highlights. In Autumn, the plant may produces large white flowers at the base of the crown shaft.
Botanical name: Archontopheonix alexandrae
Plant size: Can grow to 8-10m
Location: Outdoor palm (Grows in full sun).

Bamboo Palm
Bamboo Palms have multiple, bamboo-resembling stems with long feathered leaves.
Botanical name: Chamaedorea seifrizii
Plant size: Can grow to 3m.
Location: Indoor palm, or outdoor in shade/part-shade.

Bangalow Palm
Bangalow Palms have a single stem with fully green, feather-like leaves.
Botanical name: Archontophoenix Cunninghamiana
Plant size: Can grow to 10-12m.
Location: Outdoor palm (Grows in full sun and is tolerant to wet conditions).

Cocos (Queen) Palm
Cocos Palms are single stemmed with grey-green leaves measuring up to 5m long. May grow masses of inedible, orange-yellow fruit.
Botanical name: Syagrus romanzoffiana
Plant size: Can grow to 6-8m.
Location: Outdoor palm (thrives in tropical and sub-tropical conditions).

Golden Cane Palm
Golden Cane Palms are naturally yellow in colour with a clustering trunk, feather-like leaves and non-invasive roots.
Botanical name: Dypsis lutescens
Plant size: Can grow to 6-8m.
Location: Indoor palm, or outdoor plant in tropical regions.

Kentia Palm
Kentia Palms have slim trunks with habitually arching leaves.
Botanical name: Howea forsteriana
Plant size: Can grow 6-8m.
Location: Indoor Palm (tolerant to low light, central heating and air conditioning) , or can grow under 20% shade (suited to warm regions).

Majestic Palm
Majestic Palms are a large plant with a thick trunk.
Botanical name: Ravenea Rivularis
Plant size: Can grow to 6-8 metres.
Location: Outdoor Palm, likes full sun and plenty of water.

Parlour Palm
Parlour Palms have a single stem with 20cm long, light green founds. The plant will also produce small yellowish flowers.
Botanical name: Chamaedorea elegans
Plant size: Can grow to 1.8-3m.
Location: Indoor palm, or Outdoor plant (prefers shaded areas).

Pheonex (Roebellini) Palm
Pheonex Roebellini Palms grow long, arching, yellow-green leaves. The plant also produces small, yellow flowers and small, edible, thin-fleshed date.
Botanical name: Phoenix roebelenii
Plant size: Can grow 1.5-3m.
Location: Outdoor palm (Grows in full sun or partial shade).

Ponytail Palm
Ponytail Palms have a base that can swell to 3m in width with branches carrying long leaves. During summer the plant produces masses a tiny white flowers.
Botanical name: Beaucarnea recurvata
Plant size: Can grow to 6-8m.
Location: Indoor, or outdoor palm (Grows in full sun).

Triangle Palm
Triangle Palms display a collection of arching, blue-green leaves and produce an inedible fruit.
Botanical name: Dypsis decaryi
Plant size: Can grow to 9m.
Location: Outdoor palm (Grows in full sun)